NeuEra BioPharma is a socially responsible life sciences company focusing on the biosynthesis of naturally occurring biologically active compounds and the development of novel therapeutics for cancer and autoimmune support.
We are a people-first culture built up of scientists, medical researchers, and front-line doctors who work together to bridge the gaps in the traditional pharmaceutical industry. To help us reach our goals and ensure sustainability, we aim to wow the health and beauty industries with the development of innovative and unique products. In doing so, we continuously reinvest our profits into the research of plant-based cancer treatments.
We listen
and collaborate
as we adapt to
emerging science.
Our products are driven by our community. Everything we create is measured by the success of our growing community, customer base and clientele. We are committed to the reduction of morbidity and mortality of existing generic Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).
Our products are unique and forward-thinking. We understand that current treatments need renewed innovation to meet society’s need for health and wellness. We are using NOBAC’s to create and enhance pharmaceuticals by creating pathways that challenge traditional scientific practices. We stand up to scientific rigger, resulting in acceptance of our products by drug administrations; being granted both NPN or DIN status.
We believe profit is not measured by dollars in the bank, but instead, by meeting our community’s needs and focusing on providing top-tier products. We believe the world’s health will profit as a result.
The NeuEra Way
We believe in being socially responsible by conducting business that is ethically aligned with our guiding principles and mission. We genuinely want to help make positive change in the world.
Being transparent with our community is at the core of our business. Our word is our power.
Relying on evidence-based principles is fundamental to our philosophy. We rely on methodology and research, headed by renowned doctors and scientists. We let the evidence guide our discoveries. All products NeuEra brings to market must have ingredients backed by peer-reviewed literature.
We pride ourselves on balancing the needs of the community we serve, the team culture we create in the workplace and the shareholders who put their trust in us. We are willing to explore uncharted territory, encouraging freedom of scientific creativity.
We are genuine. If it is not aligned without our mission, we will not do it. We learn from the stories of our customers. We aren’t afraid to interact and hear them.